Saturday, June 12, 2010

May 19/2010: Day Three of Pre-Mission Training

Pictures: Top left: Elder and Sister Porter...they have been on their mission 8 months and are serving a two year mission.  Top Right: Elder and Sister Evans...going home the first week in June after serving 18 months (no couple to replace them yet);
 Bottom: Elder and Sister Jones...we are replacing them in the fall. They go home right after October Conference.

Day Three of Pre-Mission Training. Our last morning at the Radisson Hotel. We checked out, after having the bounteous breakfast buffet there. Yummers! Driving to the Church Office Building, and parking in the underground parkade was without problems or incidence in the busy traffic. Yeah!
As we walked across the main lobby at the Church Office Builidng,  we approached the security gates and for the very first time, we scanned our brand new ID security...wondering if they would really work. They did! Up we went to the 21st floor Translation Division, We quickly went to the morning devotional with the three Senior Missionary Couples, and two other ladies.

After the Devotional, we trained with Elder and Sister Porter. They showed us some of the computer technicalities for the Translation Dept. Tricky stuff...very new to us. They were very patient. Lots to learn.

At lunch time Phil McClain generously agreed for us to treat the Missionary Couples to lunch with the diner's card he had given us to use. However, unfortunately the Porters could not join us, as they were going to their ward temple event.
(Right after lunch we turned in the diner card and the receipts from the hotel and other eating receipts in to Brother MacClain. So generous!)

In the afternoon, we worked with Elder and Sister Jones. They are going to be released right after the October Conference. We are officially replacing them in October. For the next couple of hours we were introduced to the languages we would be in charge of. They told is about the teams of translators connected with those languages. ( I made notes that we will review. ) The Jones are so capable, and the love they feel for the translators they work with is very tangible. Sister Jones had a story for almost every person and she told them with admiration and compassion. These translators have all had humble lives and stories that have stemmed before and during their help in the Translation Division. Inspiring!

About three o'clock, we said our goodbyes and took pictures of the three Senior Missionary Couples. (Brad Lindsay our boss, was not in today as he had other commitments. He was so kind to us. We would have liked to have said goodbye in person, but an email will have to suffice.)
We asked Sister Porter if she would take us to the Brigham Apartments to check them out. That is where they live. We LIKED the apartments very much and were relieved that their prices are very comparable to the ones we saw yesterday. We took some forms to fill out and we are now on the waiting list.

We had a wonderful experience with all those we trained with the last three days.
We look forward to knowing and meeting the Brothers and Sisters of the languages we will be in charge of.


  1. I'm so excited that you have a blog so that I can read about your fun adventures and amazing experiences!! Love you both tons!!!

  2. Thanks Sarah, how nice of you to take the time to join in our mission adventure. This pre-mission training has us even more excited to REALLY get out on our mission for real in September. We hope and pray the US visas come through. It is much harder to get them now. Hugs!

  3. Nice to be able to put faces to the names we have heard you speak so fondly of. I am so excited for you guys!
